In the simplest terms, it’s any firearm that includes components manufactured with a 3D printer an activity known as 3d printing a gun.
But 3D-printed guns vary a lot. Some models — like the 3D-printed gun company Defense Distributed’s “Liberator” — can be made almost entirely on a 3D printer. Other 3d printed gun files require many additional parts, which are often metal. For example, many 3 d gun blueprints focus on a weapon’s lower receiver, which is basically the chassis of a firearm. Under federal law, it’s the only 3d printer for ghost guns that requires a federal background check to purchase from a licensed dealer. To subvert regulators, some people print lower receivers at home and finish their guns using parts that can be purchased without a background check — metal barrels, for example, or factory buttstocks. Many gun retailers sell Gunkits, which include all the components necessary to assemble a gun at home or a complete Buid gun kit or when trying to build your gun.
The process still remains more involved than most methods of obtaining a firearm, though. For instance, 3d printer ghost requires meticulous setup — the component that extrudes plastic must be calibrated, software must be downloaded to convert designs into 3D-printable slices, and the printer must undergo a slew of upgrades to reliably print weapons parts depending on the 3d gun printer price, which themselves require precise construction to ensure they can contain the explosion from 3d printed guns or 3d printed pistol
Because 3D-printed guns are made outside traditional supply chains and don’t require background checks, they’re effectively invisible to law enforcement agencies. They are a form of ghost gun: unserialized, and unable to be traced if recovered by law enforcement.
There isn’t good data on the number of 3D-printed firearms that have turned up at crime scenes because most often people Buy 3d printed guns online, though state attorneys generally opposed to the technology insist that some have been recovered. There is a Very High Demand for 3d printed Glock.
In most cases, yes. Federal law permits the unlicensed manufacture of firearms, including those made using a 3D printer, as long as they include metal components. That’s for people who try to a buy 3d printed gun locally or internationally.